Monday, April 12, 2010

Hiding or Prowling?

Over the years (dare I say decades), my personal healing work has centered on clearing the patterns and programs of others from my energy field as well as bring in, and consciously receiving, Unconditional Love. Sounds so silly. Why would anyone need to focus on "allowing" themselves to receive Love? At first, that was my main question. Cognitively, it makes sense that everything is energy. Money, time, sound, Light, intention, my kitchen table...all of it is energy, right? And we also know the Universe is in a constant state of give and take, ebb and flow. It also hates a vacuum. So when something is changed/moved/removed, the Universe WILL replenish with something else in its place. We set an intention, use our energy and make it happen.

Well, I tend to be a little on the hard-headed side. And while all of these things I get, what I didn't get is that the Universe works with Divine Will but also works around our own life blueprint and sacred contracts. When we block our blessings by hiding in plain sight, denying our birthright of Love (prosperity, abundance, healing, intuitive guidance and Godly self-validation), we in fact clog up the system...back up the blessings in our own lives.

I was guided to pick a few meditations from Orin and Daben since they are having this great sale on old titles. I've worked with some of their programs off and on over the years, and it's amazing how we don't SEE something until we are ready. A few of the journey titles that have been helpful for me lately are Radiating Unconditional Love and Overcoming the Self-Destruct. The "Love" part, although I've always been great at sharing it with others, I only recently discovered that I felt unworthy of receiving all these years (current and past life "stuff"). Recently, while doing the "Overcoming" journey with Sanaya Roman and Orin, I met a part of myself that was a young girl, 19-20 years old, who was hiding in the trees chasing away all opportunities to be acknowledged and seen. When she came out to meet me, I was touched at her misguided attempts to protect us. She shapeshifted into a leopard then as we shared our feelings of compassion for one another, finally softened and trusted that we must work together for our own evolution and prosperity. We then merged and agreed to respect each others strenghts and to really listen to and acknowledge one another opinions.

After all the deep work I've done on myself, and with others, in the past on this subject, I just knew this would have already been a done deal. I'm reminded of my shamanic teachers reminding us that life, and its lessons, are encountered in a circle that often circles in a spiral, towards center. One teacher pointed out how often I am like the animal that hides in the reeds by the stream. It knows coming out into the open, to partake in life, sustenance of the brook and warmth of the sun seems so dangerous it's paralyzing. And at the same time, it is imperative to my very survival. So this week, I commit to leaving the safety of hiding to venture to the stream to live life more fully.

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