Thursday, December 10, 2009

Turn a Negative into a Positive?

This time of year brings alot of energy into the atmosphere. Lots of different types of energies float around in the air: Christmas cheer, Jewish and Muslim holiday celebrations, fear of the economy, despair at a lack of money to buy the "big" fancy stuff, anxiety over holiday family gatherings, excitement of kids going on holiday break and questioning what Santa will bring them this year (if he hasn't already been laid off). Ahh, the most wonderful time of the year.

Personally, I look forward to cooler weather here in Southern California, spending down time with my kids and husband, big fires in the fireplace...oh, and all that WONDERFUL food! But as a general practice, I tend to see the cup as half full on a daily basis.

I choose to be IN joy, regardless of what appears to be happening around me. Pollyanna? Some might say so. But choosing negativity is such an easy cop-out, in my opinion. It takes work to notice the God-given blessings in our lives often and regularly. It's my choice, and it has served me well, helping to search for solutions in challenging times, looking inward and upward to my Creator when all seems bleak and hopeless.

Occasionally, I do read the newspaper (mostly Associated Press, LA Times and USA Today) and watch the news. So yes I'm aware of the current housing, job and Tiger Woods trends. However, my focus is always on gratitude for what I have and how I can create even better circumstances for myself, my family, my community and the world.

Most assuredly, meditation and Reiki have done wonders for me in this area. Some wonderful healers in Sedona have a great holiday newsletter about using Reiki for Emotional HealingDuring the Holidays HERE.
This week, Phylameana lila Desy blogged in Healing at, about the buzz on how negativity can be positive. Huh? Read the entire article HERE.

Fascinating how the Darkness is able to twist our minds and mental concepts into things that make us question the natural human desire to thrive and claim the blessings and Light gifted to us. I encourage you to listen to your own heart this season on how to step back and not get caught up in the frenzy, chaos and fear this matter what your current circumstances.

God has some nice surprises in store for us all in the coming 2010! Please join me on Blog Talk Radio at my call-in show Emergent WellBeing. Bless you, and please arrange a call with me if you need to talk, want to set some goals or treat yourself to a wonderful healing!

In Light,

MiChelle at Spirit Refreshed

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