Monday, November 29, 2010

Psychic Self ♥ Mental Wellness - Pt. 2 (Holiday version)

Every year around this time, I get really excited about the coziness of hibernation and the promise of a fresh start in the new year. Here in Southern California, today is a blustery, chilly 60 degrees farenheit, brrrr! Sounds funny coming from an East Coast girl, but the fuzzy boots are out and the heated blankets are on full force.

As a self-confessed air-fairy, it still amazes me how much I truly value my date planner. That doesn't mean I'm fully committed to penning every minutia of my everyday life. But as someone who loves the freedom of fluttering around like a butterfly, my Franklin planner has saved my life, on several occasions, repeatedly over the last two decades. As we speak, I'm busy working on my personal, business and family "mission statement" for 2011. Their system has helped me to remember to focus on what I value in life, when the grind (and "the man") starts to get me down with the endless myriad of "stuff" that always pulls at my attention.

Lately, it seems to take alot of my energy to get out there in the hustle and bustle of the world to get things done. I just came back from a mad dash to the Topanga Mall to pick up my yearly date planner. My head is throbbing, my blood suger spiked and dropped (even though ate a healthy lunch) and I drove around the San Fernando Valley an extra 45 disoriented minutes before my angels got me on the freeway to beeline it home. After starting dinner and throwing in a load of wash, I realize the best gift I can give myself (and my family) right now, is some solitude and meditation...even for a few minutes. Shortly, afterschool pickups and homework will take over, and I'm back on duty. It's a free, simple and loving way to self-care and keep that nasty holiday stress and depression far from my little love nest, so off I go! Have a great week!

MiChelle Jeneen, Energy Skills Educator

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